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Welcome to the Youth Justice InstitutePractice development opportunities in Youth Justice

The Youth Justice institute was established in 2019 to bring together key academic and operational organisations to identify and disseminate the latest research and evaluation evidence, this is to help practitioners and managers in youth justice improve outcomes for the young people that they work with.

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With the focus on practice development rather than social policy, members will be able to access a comprehensive range of courses and resources specific to youth justice. The Institute aims to help close the gap between research and the day-to-day practice challenges faced by staff working in both the community and custody.

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Assessing relevant evidence and increasing involvement in self-evaluation will be a priority for the Institute.  This will be achieved through a comprehensive range of innovative learning resources for managers and practitioners in both custody and the community via The YJI Learning Hub.

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Youth Justice InstitutePractice development opportunities in Youth Justice


This will be achieved through a comprehensive range of innovative learning resources for managers and practitioners in both custody and the community via The YJI Learning Hub.


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